Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is there to do for teenagers in Paris

Your Answer:

I was there last year and saw lots of kids tour age in the park right in front of the Eiffel tower. They were picnicking and just taking in the beautiful sites of Paris.

For shopping - my daughter is a teenager and the only thing she really wanted to do there was shop. Unfortunately, the Champs Elysee is where most of the shops are and 95% of them are incredibly expensive as it's the original designer shops which are all along that street. However, about half way down the street going toward the Arc de Triomphe there was one reasonably priced store and ny daughter did all of her shopping there. It was called MimWhat is there to do for teenagers in Paris
Well, to begin with, all the same sightseeing things that adults do.

I began taking my daughter to Europe when she was 10 and we often took one of her school friends along too (which made her very popular at school).

Now perhaps its because she's extraordinarilly intelligent (all parents like to think their children are brilliant) but she always enjoyed the same sights and museums that my wife and I did (her friends did too).

My practice was never to underestimate my child and she never disappointed me. You may find that there's no problem with keeping your teenager interested.

However, to directly address your question, here are some suggestions.

Check out the big plaza in front of the Centre Pompidu (Which contains the Museum of Modern Art). On most sunny afternoons you'll find all sorts of street entertainers there. Among these will almost always be some guys doing big involved audience participation comedy bits. When they call for volunteers (and they always do) encourage your teenager to stand up. The fact that he/she probably doesn't speak French will be NO problem (they deal with tourists all the time) These guys tend to be very good and very funny. You'll both have a great time and a great story to tell when you get home (get a photo to prove it).

Go down to the river. In the Summer they cart in a bunch of sand and turn a section of the Seine riverbank into an artificial ';beach.'; You can't swim in the Seine (its really polluted) but people play beach volleyball and otheriwse act like they are at the beach.

Bring along the roller skates. At ten p.m. every Friday night thousands of people gather in the the Place d'Italie and proceed to rollerskate thru the streets accompanied by a special Police unit to clear the way and keep them safe.the organizers change the route every week and always try to include some historical/tourist sights along the way.

Go shopping where young people in Paris shop, to wit, Tati, at 18, Boulevard Rochechouart.Prices a low (for Paris) and they can be assured that whatever they buy will be in fashion. ( is there to do for teenagers in Paris

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