Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is it good or bad to let teenagers go out on dates?

give argumentsIs it good or bad to let teenagers go out on dates?
Depends the age. You have to trust them until they give you a reason not to trust them. YOu have to let them go otherwise they will rebel and do stuff behind your back. As long as you meet the boy, have rules (such as they go straight to dinner or straight to the movies). It is so sad to see them grow up because they do it really fast and time just flies, but you have to let go just a little.Is it good or bad to let teenagers go out on dates?
It's fine if you know who they are going with, where they are going and you set a time for them to be home. Encourage group dates.
why not go on dates? teenage years are meant to have fun, let them go on dates and have a blast i dont see notin wrong with that.
innocent supervised dates..this is trouble its like asking them to have sex! come one we were all teens once you know how it is!
If you keep a child from doing what they really want to do and give them no good reason to why they cant then they'll just find a way behind your back, because if you dont give them a reason they just think you're doing that to be mean, not knowing that you are still trying to protect them, but you cant protect your kids all the time
Good if they are mature enough, so they can figure out what they like. They need to experience different things as teenagers so they don't go into the ';real world'; completely naive.

Ex, a girl who wasn't allowed to date at all as a teenager, becomes an adult and starts to date, but has to go through the whole ';dating many types of people'; thing that teenagers do so she can figure out what kind of man she is compatible with.
Depends on the maturity of the teenager.

Is the teenager completely open with you?

Is the teenager able to tell you teenager stuff without being afraid of getting into trouble?

Group dates are good when they are 13-16 only if they are mature enough

After 16 regular dates.
if you dont they'll just do it behind your back and then you have no control
we always had a no alone dates/car dates til we were 16 with curfew. Before that we could do group stuff, or in house dating where they came over. It's good because it slowly allows more freedom, giving some practice before the freedom so that your teen is less likely to get pressured into things and understands that they're being watched and actions have consequences.

Yes it allows time for them to misbehave and do wrong stuff, but in short periods of time with really nowhere but the car to do it. Plus the rents always knew where we were going and the different phone numbers. By gently encouraging and nurturing it the teens are less likely to do stupid stuff on the sole basis of needing to rebel.
I think teenagers should only be allowed to go on double dates, or dates that you can have a ';chaperone'; there...esp if they're young.
i agree with mandy it depends on the age and whether or not you trust them or not. i think its ok only if its a group date.
It's bad because it leads to sex before marriage, single adult moms, fathers leaving the girlfriend, children born out of wedlock, STDS, AIDS.
Teen dating is practice for future, more serious relationships. If an 18 year old that has no experience goes out into the dating world, they're not going to know how to act.
good than they can have sex.

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