We're no worse than our parents were, we didn't just discover drug, alcohol or unsafe wild sex. These things have been there since the beginning of time. The thing about adults complaining about ';youth today'; goes as far back as the 16th century. I think we're just more open about it which may be seen as a good thing, for example our being open about unsafe sex allows those in authority to recognise it as a problem and find ways to educate us about it and encourage us to use protection.
Don't worry about it though cuz when we're in our sixties (scary thought) we'd be saying the same thing.
Have a nice day!Are teenagers today worse than teenagers in past decades? or are we just getting more publicity?
Thanks little gemmy for voting my ans as the best ans, thanks to you I was able to do my little victory dance.
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My pleasure!
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nope, just as bad. but more open about it, and less moral.
i think its getting more publicity but the stakes are higher and a part of society is trying to move back to moral ways which is why there is so much publicity
drugs alchole and their behaviour they are worse but unsafe sex is actully believe it or not its ALOT better the stats have gone down in teen pregnancy
worse now then the last decade even
There has always been a whole spectrum of behaviour by teenagers. I don't believe there is much difference, just different coverage.
I'm sorry but you kids are WAY fricken worse than me and my generation were. I never heard of anyone bringing a gun to school, much less shooting anyone; the 'bad' kids were branded as bad because they smoked pot or wrote on the walls, not because they assaulted the faculty members. We actually obeyed authority (for the most part) and gave a $#!T whether or not we did well in school. None of my classmates had an eating disorder or intentionally cut themselves. It never occurred to us that ';school spirit'; was something to be mocked or ridiculed. We were ';over the top'; if we sneaked a couple of beers. We never had to have random locker searches or police on the campus. Kids today have changed dramatically from what I remember.
No i dont think so, twenty years ago when i was a teenager
things were simlar to what they are now.
I think its the media that makes things worse
sooooooooooo much worse.
I think there are a LOT more engaging in destructive/bad behavior today than in previous decades.
Teens seem to have very little respect for their parents or other adults anymore. When I grew up in the 70s/80s, I definitely had to behave in public. I had to dress respectfully. No way could I show up in public showing off the majority of my body, or with piercings everywhere or mouthing off to ANYONE.
I think every generation thinks the future ones are worse than theirs. Of course there are BAD kids in every generation, but I think it is more widespread now, at least in terms of respect.
Drugs...I dunno...I know the 60s and 70s were pretty full of pot smokers...that's probably the same. Coke was big in the 80s, and I think less common now days.
But due to the massive inundation of media these days, and crappy role models, like Paris Hilton, I think sex, promiscuity and swearing are FAAAR worse than they ever were before. Young people take sex much less seriously now days. They use protection...but it's no big deal to give head to multiple people in high school...right?
just getting more publicity, with new technology come new opportunity for these things to be broadcast.
actually its more or less the same.. only thing is today's teens have more freedom from their parents and are more daring to try it unlike the previous decades.. again, the media is a mjor reason to hype things to a level that being away from drugs, etc is seen as a sin!
the media has shaped today's juveniles.
they are wayyyyy worse than they are in the past.
A mix of both, I think. But when you think of teenagers as being ';worse'; now, remember that they are also maturing at a faster pace due to their surroundings and are more often than not having to face their problems alone or with friends their age, simply because the rest of society sees them as being ';out of control'; without trying to understand them. Because of this, they are learning important life lessons earlier than most people did when they were teens and I think they deserve a little more credit than what they're given.
I actually think teenagers now are better than when I was a teenager. Drugs wise, and sex wise.
Teens today are worse than is past decades! Why? Mostly because there is more for them to do to get into trouble! Morals are not being tough by parents the way they use to be and teens have things handed to them instead of working for it themselves!
Yeah, i feel like the world has come to its end. Dued i mean , there's people killed everyday, terrorism here and there, sex is just like a daily routine. its just unsafe anymore in this world.
Much worse! SOME of it can be blamed on parents not being able to disipline their children like they were able to in the past. If you steal something or talk back, you get taken behind the woodshed or where ever...
in former USSR states teenagers has become much worse in a very short period of time since Soviet Union has been destroyed
I'm absolutely confident that with such ';youth of the nation'; we have no future
everyone has there memories of what the day,s were like when they were teen,s,myself included,the best answer I can give is the one my dad told to me,( when I was your age we didn,t have *** or wouldn,t think of doing,*** and there was nothing like you kids have today) TIME DOESN,T CHANGE PEOPLE CHANGE and you,ll be saying the same to your children as I do now to mine.and yes drugs are destroying our young more than some want to say.
Hi i am a girl from Romania and i am not that old actually i make 21 and at this question i say YES....TEENAGERS GET WORSE everyday day.....some of them don't realize the meaning of life ...and some of them are so unfortunate to not live long....Unfortunately DRUGS,UNSAFE SEX AND Dangerous behavior there are some of the many problems all over the World...this has come to far ....yes right you think with your publicity you can say Stop drogs or stop unsafe sex....well NO this will not stop until WE TEENAGERS DON'T REALIZE THE MEANING OF LIFE AND THAT WE HAVE MANY OPPORTUNITIES AND WE DON'T NEED TO RUIN OUR LIFE WITH THIS BULLSHITS. OK THANK YOU !
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