Thursday, May 13, 2010

The teenagers under our apartment play loud music daily?

Should I complain to my land-lord peaple? They have been nice to us, and they always turn it down when i ask, but I recently told them that that was it- we were going to complain next time, and she said ';we pay this rent to do what we want';, and then she complained about my 3 small children running and stomping around- which we try to monitor by the way, but my 4 year old son forgets this rule alot- what is your advice? They play it about twice a day, and it shakes our floor, and I can't think of anything, or do anything until it's off, or I leave the place.The teenagers under our apartment play loud music daily?
Once in a while woud be ok but evet day isa toooooo much! tell your land lord people! (keep a log of when it you have some kind of proof1)The teenagers under our apartment play loud music daily?
She may pay the rent, but that does not allow her to ';do whatever she wants';. Every person has a right to ';peaceable living';. I have dealt with this problem before, and what we did is called the police each and every time we had a problem. Eventually, they got tired of dealing with it, so they left. If they tried to retaliate in any way, we just called the police. The ';squeaky wheel'; gets the grease, or in your case, gets the ';peace';.
Noise ordnance by local laws prohibits loud music or any other type of disturbance after midnight. During the day is perfectly legal, if you're bothered by this, go to the landlord and complain with him/her, do NOT have any more confrontations with them.
Kindly present them a letter that you plan to send to whoever you decide to complain to and make an offer to them that they can play it at these times, or on these days. A truce sort of thing. try to be understanding but decisive of your goal. negoitate if their willing. if not mail it, make a copy
Tenancy laws are different everywhere so you may or may not have rights under ';peaceful use'; legislation.

But in the end, even if you somehow succeed in getting them to change behaviour they obviously want to do, they will resent you for it, and being your landlords, make you miserable.

You should move. This is a situation you are unlikely to be able to fix if you have already tried talking to them.
Call your landlord and the police daily. One of them will get tired of hearing from you.
Maybe turn ur music up and see how they like it......otherwise, I'd move.
Well it seems to me the both of you need to come to an agreement. Quiet time is usually between 10pm-10am (the sleeping hours) if they are playing their music during the day why should it bother you?I also have small children and live in an apartment fortunately for me my upstairs and downstairs neighbors are ME (townhouse) i know how loud those little footsteps can get and pretty annoying at times... Now if their music is so loud to where it rattles pictures off walls or glasses in cupboards then bring that to their attention have them come up and witness for themselves othrewise they may just think your nagging. Living in an apt is difficult you should find a common ground with your neighbors, you BOTH don't want to keep going back and forth to the management because eventually they'll just get rid of the problem (you BOTH)
Well, you could call the police on them, and if the police hear the music playing loud, they can cite them for it.

The police have to hear the noise to do anything about it, and I doubt your kids running around is going to have an effect, lol.
Yes I would bring this up with your landlord, however if your son is 4, I think he should stop ';forgetting'; the rule.
Contact your landlord or the police. Just know they can do the same about your kids stomping.
Cut the power cable going into their appartment.
well if your going to live in an apartment these are constant things you must always deal with,and I lived in apartment for many years my ex was a super attendant we lived downstairs and you do hear every noise coming from upstairs so they probably do get annoyed at times from your children running as well,my ceiling fans used to shake constantly and we went through many light bulbs,they were all adults just walking upstairs,so I would just say if it's only twice a day deal with it,they deal with your children.Or just move.:):):):)
i think that if they are angry about your children, you should talk to them and express your feelings about their complaints and your somplaints. i think that they should keep it down, and especially if its profaine its no music your kids should be exposed to
You need to speak to your land-lord/lady, because this will only get worse. Of course your children are running around..that is what loud music does to small children. I'll bet you can't get them to take a nap, so this would be under the heading of ';disturbing the peace';, which can be enforced at anytime of the day or night if it disturbs your peace. Your landlord should have never put children in an upstairs apartment %26amp; teenagers below you. This is bad management by them %26amp; if your neighbor thinks that paying her rent entitles her to do what she wants, then don't you have that same entitlement? This is a receipe for disaster %26amp; if the parents of these teenagers can't or won't take action to control the noise, you need to start getting the Police involved ao you can get your noise complaints on paper %26amp; this will be proof in case they start harrassing you further, which most likely is going to happen. I've been through it, on all sides %26amp; if your managers don't take action, you have legal recourse to sue them in a court of law %26amp; withhold your rent until the situation is solved, but you'll need those Police Reports as proof when you get into court. Teenagers can be a real pain %26amp; their parents are even worse.
Paying rent does not give anyone the right to ';do what we want';. Every lease you sign has rules of conduct every tenant must follow. You pay rent and are entitled to a peaceful dwelling and what they are doing is considered ';disturbing the peace';. You could call the police but it's better to go to your landlord first.

You need to talk to your landlord and ask them what the best way is to resolve the issue. The best thing to do is to have a meeting including yourself, the parent of the teenagers, and your landlord. A peaceful resolution is best and this may be the best way to reach one. It also may include the landlord deciding to move one of the parties (your family or the other family) to another apartment. You would be better off in a first-floor apartment (considering you have 3 small children) and the other family would be better off in a single-family dwelling if they want to allow their teenagers the ability to blow out their eardrums (and everyone else within earshot).

Bottom line is to try the diplomatic approach first (contacting the landlord and meeting with the landlord and the parents of the teenagers) to resolve and avoid future conflict. If the landlord does nothing you have a legal right to terminate your lease (keep everything documented, even conversations) and relocate.
Definitely call the land lord. We had this problem with a guy who was two doors down. I felt so bad for the little old nun who lived in between us. It shook our walls. A child running and a grown person playing loud music is two entirely different things. It's not like your child jumps up and down for hours on end. Call to get it stopped, you can even be annonymous. If it doesn't work, ask to be moved if that's possible.
put down carpeting in your place. there's not much else you can do short of swapping apts with them. Maybe invite your neighbors up to your place while their music is playing to hear it and they might sympathize with your plight
In a flat I once lived in, I had a similar problem. I cured it by getting up early one Sunday morning (when the neighbours wanted to sleep in) and set the radio up which plays a very long peel of bells. It was right under their bedroom - they never annoyed me ever again.

I do not recommend that you try that especially if you want to live there. It would be better if you could both talk to one another and live comfortably together. Perhaps your landlord would be willing to set up a meeting between you to talk to each other.

Good Luck.
Well you're not making the kids romp on purpose, like they're playing the music on purpose.

There's a difference...

Tell the landlords! Ask about the rental agreement if there is a clause on noise limits and whether they are breaking them.

If so, they have the duty to take action against her rather than you.

It's better that they do rather than have you turn itno 'the enemy'.

You might ask if others have ocmplained as well, like the neighbors, and if so, you can all sign a petition for the landlords that it's too noisy and action must be taken against it.

I have a stupid woman upstairs playing her mariachi sometimes it is SOOOO loud even with my doors and windows shut- I call the police and landlord, both, every time she does it.

You think she would learn?? Nope- apparently, your neighbors dont either. What the hell is it with these poeple who cant be respectful to others???
I live in a down stairs apartment, there's a small child that lives above us, she is all the time running around up there, gets to the point you cant hear the T.V , jars the things in our cabinets. People that live upstairs don't realize that running and things like that annoy the neighbors down stairs, to them it probably don't seem like it's loud but it is! SO your neighbors down stairs may be doing the music bit as a pay back. But if I were you I would complain, maybe they will get a notice.
Unless you get other tenants signatures for complaints, if they play it in daytime nothing can be done.
this could be a win-win or a lose-lose situation first of all in your apartment rules is their a noise level rule? next is there a rule about children? Next if you have knocked on their door more than once without contact the landlord or the ploice this is harassment this is not a situation you can handle your self it is one that has to be handled by the proper authorities!! You need to contact your land lord but first read your lease agreement, next if there is not a noise level rule then you need to inform him of the situation so he can post something on each tenants door to bring a rule into effect.... I could go on and on but i think you have the idea....
I think you should turn it is to your landlord. Thats really rude. And they apartment mgr will take care of it. KEEP complaining til they do. Or just call the cops and file a complaint with them WHILE the people have it up loud.

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