Sunday, May 9, 2010

I need good reasons in a debate for there to be a curfew for teenagers.?

I kind of need detailed answers, not just ';so they dont get in trouble';I need good reasons in a debate for there to be a curfew for teenagers.?
1) They are noisy. Disturbance to other people. Cops will be called causing taxpayers to pay more money (esp. if they need to increase the amount of officers on duty at night)

2) Where will teens go to hang out at night? Most places are closed. Others (like 7-11) have no loitering rules. Teens will wind up going to parks and such causing disturbance to rangers who have to respond to complaints

3) Teens should be at home where there is supervision. A lot of crazy things go on in the world at night especially.I need good reasons in a debate for there to be a curfew for teenagers.?
There are some places that curfew is the ';LAW';. When I was growing up in Chicago, if you were under 17 curfew was at 10 p.m on school nights, and 11 p.m on week ends. for 17 yr. olds it was 30 min. later.

What time do places close where the kids hang out? Any reason to be out past that time?

Where my kids grew up, I set a curfew. When they asked why, I would reply with; ';BECAUSE I SAID SO!';

When they would say ';well, so and so's mom lets them';. My response was, ';I'm not, so and so's mom, I'm yours, and I said so!';

When you are the parent, then be the parent. You are the one that lays down the ground rules.

What other purpose is there for being out past curfew does a teen have other then for the sole purpose of getting in to some sort of trouble, whether it is drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.
there is abosultely nothing for teenagers to be doing after 10pm at night anyway. THey can't drink, so it's not like they're going to be going to bars - at least they shouldn't be! They need lots of sleep at that age - should get a good night's sleep at night for school the next morning.
you don`t need to answer any questions from your children. you lay down the law and stop making excuses to help them do wrong. the reason they need a curfew. is because the devil is out at nidnight looking to see what he can kill, steal, and destroy. do you want to get that phone call? ask them would they like for you to get from the local police in your town
It's not so they don't get in trouble some of the time these parents don't know where there children are.The other day my step-son was at his uncles house for the weekend only,and my husband had just left his brothers house and he didn't think past 1 that our 16 year old son would try to stay out.The police came to my house and said that they had my son for stealing a car at 1:30 am and he was joy riding,then they found out he didn't steal but was near it with some friends when he was suppose to be in the house any way.So they let him go and he has 2 tickets for a total of 146,one ticket was for fleeing the officers and the other one was for curfew after hours.He act like it was no big deal,he thinks it's a big deal now my husband won't let him do anything and he has to pay off his own tickets.And curfew is good to try to keep these kids out of streets due to gang violence and innocent bystanders get killed just for being out there at the wrong place at the wrong time.My cousin was shot in the head and killed instantly just coming out a store a little after 9 or 10 o clock,just cause some kids a teenage boy and his girlfriend got into an argument and he threaten to shoot his girl and my cousin and her sister was coming out of the store and the bullet caught her in the head she was only 22 going on 23 and left behind was her 3 little girls this is also why they need to ban guns and only given to people who really need them.Because innocent people are killed everyday and my cousin was killed earlier this year in march because of people ignorance.And my boy cousin was 20 or 21 and he was killed this year also in april due to him and some of his younger friends and relatives drag racing and crash and didn't survive the accident and the youngest boys was like 15,16,and 17 when they should have been in the house to avoid situations like these and my cousin and another boy died instantly and the others survive.That goes to show if our children obey us we wouldn't have some of these problems and they should learn how to discipline them more and talk to them so that they understand.Because if you don't put your foot down and say anything then they wont listen and will run all over you,discipline starts from the home and parents or guardians.I hope that was detail enough didn't mean too type so much hope I help.God Bless
I do really have curfew it depends on what i'm doing and who i'm with
If kids were home with their parents they could have family time and kids would not be dating at 10 years old and pregnant at 13. Parents do not interact enough with their kids now.
Seriously? Unless they have a job, working outside the home, What is there for a teenager to do after....say 11:00 or 12:00 at night?? There are no stores open that late,(except the local 7/11) so they can't go ';shopping';, there are no restaurants open except for the ';drive thru'; at Taco Bell and McDonald's, so they can't go out to eat. The skating rink closes at 11:00pm on the weekends. Even the ';late movie'; ends before midnight....The only places that are open, are places that only allow adults....Contrary to what teenagers think, they are not ';adults'; until they reach 18, they can't go to ';bars'; or ';clubs';, legally....what else is there to do that late at night?? Statistics show that most ';crime'; takes place after dark...Why would you want to be a part of that? Everything that's available for people to do that late at night, is illegal for teenagers to participate in, so why not just go home and hang out....or go to bed and get some sleep, so you don't have to sleep the next day away...
Curfews are not only for controlling how many teenagers are out late at night. They are also to protect teenagers from:

Drunk drivers



Dangerous situations many adults and older teens may create

Teenagers aren't to always blame for problems in our society. It is people of all ages.

Being in your home with a curfew is to protect YOU!
teen curfews. need to be early during the schol week. teens need sleep for school and time to gethomework done. on the weekends or non school nights they need to be home by 11pm there is nothing for a teen after that time but trouble
Less people for the police to babysit.

School the next day.

Talk with your city council. They should have good reasons.

Not all teenagers will get in trouble, but the rules must apply to the good and the bad.

good luck
I think there should be a curfew for teenagers for many reasons. One, being so that they don't get bored and do things illegal that would get them into trouble. Two, because it's the law. three because when teenagers get bored especially boys, they tend to do damage such as, breaking into stores and stealing, they can do more harm than good. If there where no curfews what would this world come to? I think it would come to more crimes going on in this place we call our world, more sexual crimes against girls, and I could go on and on. They have curfews in place so that boys/girls don't get into trouble and so they don't commit these crimes.
my mom always told me ';what you can do between 10 and 2 you could do the same between 6 and 10. curfew was 10 in my house. anyone can get into trouble at any time no matter if it is day or night.
I never had a only rule was that if I came home at 4 in the morning on a school night, my a*s*s was going to school the next day, no matter what. Doesn't mean I stayed out until 4 on school nights though; you'd hope your child isn't that stupid. But curfews are stupid....they just cause problems.
Some cities report a measurable drop in crime under a teen curfew. The Dallas, Texas, police reported that the number of young crime victims declined over 15 percent during the first six months of that city's curfew law.

The stated goal of most curfew laws is twofold: to prevent juvenile crime and to protect youth from victimization. According to the Ruefle and Reynolds analysis, those who support juvenile curfews indicate that neighborhoods afflicted with high rates of crime may use curfews as a ';means to protect nondelinquent youth from crime and to deny delinquent youth the opportunity to engage in criminal behavior.';55 By keeping youth under the age of 18 off the street, curfews are expected to reduce the incidence of crime among the cohort most likely to offend, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI's) 1994 Uniform Crime Report (UCR).56 Since juvenile perpetrators of crime often take as their victims other youth, it is hoped that rates of youth victimization will drop as well.

The source I used is a pretty informative source. I couldn't find a lot on the pros of teenage curfew so I would suggest learning all of the cons and thinking of a good argument for each. Good Luck!

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