Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why do teenagers feel the need to rebel against their parents?

Weren't you ever a teenager?

Questions like this you should ask yourself because your kid is very much like you. When you have a child you're raising yourself.Why do teenagers feel the need to rebel against their parents?
Rebellion is actually not typical or normal for teens. Developing their own identity is. It's really the parents who determine whether this developmental stage is rebellious, by not supporting their child's emerging identity.Why do teenagers feel the need to rebel against their parents?
There is a natural drive for independence; this is a GOOD thing, because it is what causes young people to learn to care for themselves, provide for themselves financially, and start their own households.

Like many things, however, there are two sides to this coin. Some teens will misunderstand and misuse these feelings by directing them against their parents. When teens have been raised to be responsible for themselves according to whatever age they are, then they are less likely to rebel because they know their role and have been steadily working towards independence since they learned to walk. When they have not been taught self-care skills in appropriate ways, then they have no place to channel their need for independence. I tell the teens that I teach that when they get those feelings of ';I don't want anyone telling me what to do,'; what they should do with that energy is behave in a way such that their parents trust them and remove restrictions bit by bit, and to work around the house to learn to take care of themselves, and to work at a job to provide for themselves financially.

Incidentally, I am talking about normal cases here - not cases where there is abuse or neglect in the home, or a controlling parent, etc. There are plenty of examples that I have seen or heard about of a parent lording it over the child then the child becomes a teen and returns the favor.
I never felt a need to rebel against my parents, but it certainly looked like it. I guess parents just don't remember what it was like to be that young and all the problems to think about. It's just that they want you to think like their little kid, when your growing into your own skin. They literally don't like the person you're becoming. It only seems like it only lasts during the teenage years, but that's because they get used to you after a while.
cuz its fun.
Their brains and the rest of their bodies don't mature at the same rate.

Years later, they think, Wow, my parents were right. There is NO way they could absorb the information at the time because their hormones were going wild at the time, they had relatively few responsibilities and it was all about feeling good.

It's too bad. From the parent's point of view, it's a nightmare!
This is the age where they don't want parents hanging off of them all of the time. They want to be more independant, rather than having others make their decisions for them.

Parents usually take this the wrong way - they don't understand why their 'angels' are all of a sudden so reluctant to be around them anymore. It's not a sign that teens want nothing to do with their parents - it's a sign that they're growing up, and it's natural.
it's not that they are trying to rebel, they are now getting their own identity apart from the parents. they are growing up. some kids are confused. i feel for ya, I'm going threw the same thing with 2 of mine now.
its not that there rebellin. they want to be independant. they dont like it when people tell them what to do . they think to themselves ';phhh.. yea right their not the boss of me';

and when you tell them not to do something they juss do it more for the same reason. and its not that their tryin to be difficult they just want parents to understand whats goin onm in their life.
Kids are stuck between being kids and adults these days and it's easy to get confused sometimes when adults want you to behave like kids yet expect you also to act like a grown up. They just want to establish a sense of independence. It's normal but make sure you put down the ground rules in your home. That doesn't mean you have to act like a total d**khead towards your child. Just respect their rights as a human being also and let them know you love them regardless of what they do in life and your love is unconditional and MEAN it! Don't talk down to kids! They are smarter than adults give them credit for! It's when we start underestimating them that they rebel and get themselves in hard to handle situations!

Cassandra above hit it right on the mark also!
they rebel becuase they feel the need to. Sometimes when parents try to control you too much they do this so they can be free to do whatever they want. I say this from experience cuz this is what i sometimes have to do so my parents can understand that i'm growing up. Also when parents don't give me my way!

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