Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why are teenagers so a) insecure and b) self-centred?

i would really like to know.

thank you :)Why are teenagers so a) insecure and b) self-centred?
Insecure because everything is changing for a teen: body, the way their mind works, emotions, sexuality, ...

And self-absorbed for the same reasons. It's hard to think beyond the limits of one's own space when it seems like there isn't firm ground to stand on.

However, not everyone goes through this as a teen...Why are teenagers so a) insecure and b) self-centred?
Their insecurity comes mainly from the incredible pressure that these poor kids feel directed at them to be perfect at everything. Get A's in school, be the most beautiful, dress in name brand clothes, excel at sports, win at all costs, have the nicest looks, the nicest car, the most popular friends, be a hottie, etc., etc., etc.

Self centered? Probably a lot of the aforementioned reasons, but a big percentage is from the way that they were raised.
They're insecure because other people their age make them feel that way. They're self-centered because they're so insecure they feel they have to constantly concentrate on themselves. Don't forget that kids and teenagers are often very cruel to each other, and that causes a lot of problems for those who are put down.
There are a number of reasons why I think this is the case. Firstly, peer pressure. The society we live in today is full of freedom, and teenagers are exposed to a lot of bad things. Take magazine's of skinny models, for example. Etc. Etc.

Secondly, a lot of parents these days are too busy trying to provide for a roof over their family's heads to have the time to raise a child/ or children the way they should be raised.

Teens can become self centred, possibly because parents spoil their kids during these times, as they perhaps can feel guilty for the lack of time they spend with their children.
Teens despite the fact that they think they know it all!! Are insecure because they worry about what others think, they are still learning about the big wide world, are still trying to find out who they are. Flippin heck I'm 28 and even now I still have insecure feelings about myself.

I'm not really sure about why they are self centred though.
Hey, give teenagers a break.

They are still figuring out who they are and what sort of person they want to be. Going through a phase of self-centredness is part of that I think. Teenagers need to be reminded to think of others, but not because they are rude or uncaring, its just that stage of life.
Since this is the ';Sociology'; category, one sociological view about self-centeredness can focus on Capitalism and it's influences on people. In a capitalist society, MANY individuals compete to gain power and prestige in society. BUT, very few people actually obtain great amounts of power/prestige. Knowing that it's difficult to obtain and that everyone is working to better themselves makes people selfish, because they know that if they don't focus on themselves and what will make their OWN lives better, they can't rise up.

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