Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Safest car for teenagers to drive and least expensive to insure?

Hi, well for one, smaller import or domestic cars will be cheaper to insure because they don't normally have higher horse power engines in them.

Something with a 4cylinder engine will be cheaper to insure than one with an 8 cylinder engine. Insurance companies go off a number of things, for one, the year of make and cubic inches of the motor when insuring a vehicle.

Also whether the driver is male or female makes a difference, I for one will be the first to say that teenage boys get a bum wrap when it comes to paying insurance in my opinion. Some of the worst drivers I've ever seen are teenage girls!

Some of the driving habits of teenage girls gives the rest of us women a bad reputation!Safest car for teenagers to drive and least expensive to insure?
any midsized pre 90's post 70's will have pretty cheap insurance rates and you can pick up an '80's model car fairly cheap from any used car lot or a private seller. and, you are not out much if they wreck it.Safest car for teenagers to drive and least expensive to insure?
80's model ford escort or chevy cavalier
a car that would be cheap for Insurance would be a four door vehicle..something with a 4 cylinder..and of course something that isnt as new..something like a Saturn

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